Prezzo € 23.69
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Descrizione del prodotto

30 ml

From the heart of Val Camonica in selected pre-alpine areas comes Kirei’s PropolKi.


Propolis is considered in the herbal field to be the natural antibiotic par excellence, as it possesses bactericidal properties confirmed by numerous experiments that have demonstrated its ability to inhibit the development of various bacterial strains.


Ideal in cases of sore throats, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, mouth ulcers, dental abscesses and gingivitis; protects the respiratory tract, strengthens the immune system and helps defend against flu and colds.


The hydroalcoholic extract of Propolis has antibacterial, antiviral, healing, immunostimulating, fungicidal and antioxidant properties.


Thanks to high extraction quality and innovative processing techniques, the active constituents of PropolKi remain intact and unchanged.

Kirei product with SHORT ROW, without the use of synthetic chemicals and GMOs.


10 drops 3-4 times a day, pure or diluted in a little water.


Tip: if you want to improve the taste, pour it over a cube of brown sugar or a teaspoon of honey, you can take it as it is or dissolve it in a little warm water.


Caution: as it is a very concentrated propolis, take care not to soil clothes, furniture or delicate surfaces.

Applications described in the literature and traditional uses.


The applications described above are in no case of a prescriptive or therapeutic nature. Always consult your doctor in advance if you feel unwell or ill.

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